Tuesday, August 4, 2015

New project: New adventure

Have you heard about the #100daysProject ?
Well I've decided to start one! 
Over the past few months I've been focusing on writing more consistently and making new personal gains, as well coming up with new sets of challenges and lessons. 
I've also helped fellow writers with their projects, story editing, writing skills, and motivation.
Fellow writers and actors ask me all the time: how did I learned to write, what keeps me going, where I get ideas etc. I tell them it's a practise, a practise of continuously letting the creative freak-flag fly so that I don't suppress my own great ideas when they actually come. (That and actual skill and structure)  
So for my 100 days I'm going to continue with that trend, by doing #100daysofWritingPrompts to motivate myself and others. 
If you'd like to join me, and stretch your writing and creativity mussels feel free to follow me on twitter @JaneEHancock where every morning I'll be posting a prompt.
You can use this any way you'd like. Write a poem about it, journal about it, work through that chapter of your novel with the prompt in mind, write a short film where one character only says this in response to everything. You chose, those are a few ways I'm going to challenge myself with it.
I'll also be posting some of the results on my blog and here on facebook and I would love to get other people involved and sharing too! 
When was the last time you did something, by choice, with purpose, consecutively for 100 days? I thought so...
To actors who want to write their own work, to storytellers who want to try poetry, to anyone with fears but big dreams: if you intend to sit down to write that 'thing,' that 'work of art' which you predict with change you life, I can assure you that if you don't already practise writing, it is fricken hard! 
If you want to be involved, tweet, instagram, blog, or whatever using these hashtags: 
#100daysofWritingPrompts #100daysProject  #day1/100
& whichever prompt I write each day ex: #prompt 
Of course anyone is welcome to use the prompts for creative inspiration at anytime, but I suggest pushing yourself and participating. No one will be monitoring you, especially not me, so this is also a practise of self-motivation and integrity. Let's encourage each other by sharing challenges and successes along the way.
I'll be starting first thing tomorrow morning. Who's ready to join me and have some fun?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Thoughts on writing by a rebel.

               Write. to write. to share.
         to break free. to un-fear the feared. to open little parts of me up for discussion.
  Up for review. up for more. up for connection.

Show. Show and Tell.
               Make. make stuff. make me. What hasn't been said.
                                                             What hasn't been seen.

    Do you want to see me?
I want to see me, hear me and know me. feel. Make me feel. make you feel. easy, hard, vulnerable,
  challenging, soul searching. solid.

Pain. Gain. Rain or Shine. be mine. Love. Joy. Pain.
Learning. Earning.     I'd like to get both from writing.   from sharing my stories - up on a fireplace.
                                                                                     on a stage. on the page

We tear open our hearts, and re-awaken the past, someday, for new, better, future ways.
                  How many ways can you say     one     thing?

I love
I dream                      
                                     to write is to scheme.

                     To keep it together. to not. to be okay to not be. that is the question at play.

         Write a play.  Be a play.  play.  play act.  Re-act.  Enact.  Action!

              Move forward. Good. Bad. No...     neither in writing maybe.

      Maybe no new stories. maybe not interesting. maybe not new. maybe that's ok too.
  Just my filter, my Brita.            My journey, my way of telling you to look at you.
            How great would it be, to all look inward & love?

But once it's down what to do? How to pitch, sell, make, do. Share.

Sharing is caring? What if. no one like?
                                           everyone loves?
steals, changes, abuses, doesn't "get." doesn't pay.          can't say it's real then.

When is it a job, a career, a path.   which path is less taken?  less trodden.
        Don't want my heart or art trodden upon.
Once upon a time...

So many stories. so many journeys.         How to make it worth it to tell, to make, to share, to sell, to pay for.
What if my joy could pay for my life, and all my other joys?      Toys.

We like to play with toys, tools. all part of story.
        We like to play with hearts.  games.  two of hearts.  three of spades.

Dig up that inspiration with a spade!
                             Fresh stories dried under the dirt of mediocrity of boring.

What is boring?
                          What is stimulation.  food.  sex.  knowledge.
     20 questions on a road trip through Life.  always navigating. always questioning.

    Do some not? Do some just float, be ok with that.  water.  water to clean out that dirt
                                                                                      & shake shit up.

       To shake a soul with words is noble is brave is wacky and crazy and weird.

      Love is weird.                           I AM WEIRD.

 we used to write with ink, now we write with spell check.
     thought this is written by hand, these words will probably make it onto a laptop. a hard drive. soon

                   Good for us. Look what we did.

Are we expanding or limiting ourselves?            Filter or tool?

Tools to talk to strangers would be more helpful. lend a helping hand.
                                                               know your bloody neighbour.
 our 'Neighbors' down south spell that differently.

I haven't always been good at spelling. or ever.

                                           I write too fast.  head too full to constrict to words written nicely with proper spelling.
                This made me feel like a bad writer. bad english. Bad person.
My grammar is great, but when the muse takes over she doesn't care.  She just wants to tell. to entertain.
                           to enlighten.
                                  to write it out.

I imagine that's how runners feel.   I think they're crazy to love that.

                                                                      Maybe I'm crazy to love this?

Oh I probably am!   But really, isn't grand? to be a little wild, to be free.
to be me.

Jane Hancock 