I had my first professional booking since moving to Vancouver on the Fox TV show Fringe!
It happened so fast, last week.
Tuesday: Coaching with the awesome Bradley Stryker. Audition.
Wednesday: 10am 'you booked it' call from my Agent. Costume fitting in the afternoon.
Thursday: 7:00am call time to set.
Friday: 11:00 call time to set.
=Amazing few days!
So many lessons learned, friends made and 'firsts' lived!
Lets start with auditioning. Get a coaching. It's always worth it. Seriously. One line, harder than 5 pages, I swear, especially when the sides are more blacked out than city lights on Earth day.
Also when you get to the audition, they will probably ask you do something completely different. So being able to prep on the spot comes in handy. Also, thats actually what you might end up doing on the day.
Either way, having someone watch it, help with finding the arc, and run it with a few times is so valuable. So worth the $33.60!
Costume fitting: Inspires one to be more committed to going to the gym. And amazed at what they can put together in such a short time.
On set. So fun, great food and everyone, absolutely everyone was so lovely! So happy to be there, creating art that they work on everyday, it was beautiful.
Also the weather in Vancouver is mental and kind of bi-polar! Thursday exterior shot in rain, snow, hail and sunshine. (Good luck with that Post Production.) But the whole crew still made it feel like magic and stayed positive! The four other Actors I worked with in my scene were so supportive and encouraging, which was great to have on my first booking. A perfect mix of professional advice and fun, friendly camaraderie.
Firsts: first trailer, very small. (since I was on set as a child)
First time that like 5 people would touch my face, hair and clothing all at the same time under an umbrella, held by yet another person.
I'm excited for the experience, the credit, the connections made etc. but honestly one of the best things about the whole experience was the response, the response of so much love and support from friends and family.
It was so uplifting and beautiful to know that I have a great community of support in my life, people really rooting for me. No animosity, no jealousy, just pure joy.
I'm so thankful to all the people who've helped me, mentored me, supported me, listened to me, and guided me over the last year of my life as I've begun to do this professionally.
Combining last weeks Acting joys with a fantastic workshop I took on the weekend was icing on the gluten-free cake! I spent Saturday and Sunday looking at my essence and exploring self knowledge, my dreams, passions and what I want to build and create in the world.
That is something I would love to share with others. I hope that we can all look inward to build self-love and therefore more love and joy in the world.
So there's my first blog post.
More to come on the Adventures of Jane: The Joys of Acting. The Beauty of the Arts. Self-discovery. Being opinionated. And all that kind of Jazz!
P.S. Happy International Theatre Day.
"All the World's a Stage, and all the men and women merely players" - Shakespeare (aka Love of my life... more to come on that)
Enjoy the day and shine baby shine!